Friday, March 4, 2011

"Born to fly--An Infant's Journey to God" Book Author, Cindy Claussen

I am not able to access any of Harrison's photo's at the moment, my lap top that my photos are on has a virus so I am using our older computer. So I have been searching youtube to get some nice clips that make me think of Harrison. This helps me when I am sad, it makes me feel closer to him. There is such sadness in this world, so many griefing parents.
I guess I take comfort in that one day I will spend time with Harrison. One day I will get to hold my son. I just wish you were here.
It is so strange I have had many people before and even after Harrison was born offering things that they had no intention of doing. I don't understand why people do that. One thing that I have learnt is that you should never make promises you can't keep or have no intention to keep. It makes you look fake and foolish.
Know my sweet angel that I love you, if love was only enough to keep you here. You would haven't gone anywhere. I love you.

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