Monday, December 13, 2010

Memorial Service

Yesterday I went to the Sands Christmas memorial service. It was nice. The boys liked it, they asked us all to take gifts to put under the tree that you would buy for your baby. They also got us to decorate a christmas decoration through the service in memory of your baby. The kids loved this, and I loved that, thinking that was a great way for the boys to remember Harrison.
The slide show made me cry, just seeing Harrison's photo up on the screen. His sweet little face, that I miss so much
Harrison my sweet little angel. I love you, hugs and kisses from Mummy and Daddy, and the boys.xxxxooooo

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea.............and i sooooo love the christmas stocking. from the short time ive been reading here, its so obvious that you are doing everything you can to keep harrison alive through the memories you are creating with the boys, there is no chance they will ever forget their baby brother
