Friday, November 12, 2010

In memory of you Harrison

I have been doing some charity work for the hospital that looked after Harrison, The Mater Brisbane Australia. Some families that lose babies donate a bear back to the Mater to pass on to another family who losses a baby. I love scrapbooking so I have made up cards for the Mater to hang on the bear, with a beautiful poem and then in memory of...
Harrison is going to be the first bear to get one of the cards pinned on. The cards are in the photo. There is a butterfly on the front as the hospital uses the butterfly symbol for grieving families. So when I lost Harrison a butterfly was put on my door to tell all hospital staff that I had lost my baby. This stops staff coming into your room congratulating you about your baby. Especially when your baby is in the nursury you do go to a particular floor that doesn't have alot of babies, and all you have is a photo. So I am going up to the Mater today to take some of these cards up, and Harrisons bear.
I miss you Harrison. Like always, I wish you were here, to give you a cuddle and a kiss. Please God tell him I love him. Surely that is the least you could do for me!

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